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Image by Nick Abrams
Talk Business UNO Networking Groups





1.1 “MEMBER” means the person/s or company who is named on the UNOnetworking Application for Membership form and for whom, following acceptance by Talk Business UK has agreed to provide services to, in accordance with these terms. UNOnetworking membership includes membership Talk Business UK.

1.2 “MEMBERSHIP” means the period of time when a Member is contracted to Talk Business UK. 

1.3 “DETAILED SERVICE” means the service provided by UNO consisting of: Networking events online and face to face and Learning events online and face to face. Talk Business UK encourages business growth through building solid business relationships, growing knowledge through learning and sharing business opportunities with fellow Talk Business UK members. 

1.4 Lets Talk Business Ltd (registered number 11979044) whose registered office is at 5 Shannon Way, Evesham, Worcestershire, WR113FF. Trading as Talk Business UK and UNO networking

1.5 “MEMBERSHIP PAYMENT” means the payment due to Talk Business UK on agreeing to become a member and thereafter until the agreement is terminated by either party in accordance with these terms. 

1.6 “CONTRACT TERM” means the 12-month period from the date when the Member signs the Application for Membership form. 





When applying for membership of Talk Business UK, the Member confirms that it has read and agrees to be bound by these Terms and Conditions. Upon membership being accepted, the Member will be provided with its own copy of the Talk Business UK Terms and Conditions and they should be retained for future reference. 




3.1 Talk Business UK shall provide the Detailed Service to the Member subject to these terms. 3.2 Talk Business UK shall use its reasonable endeavours to provide the Detailed Service within the advertised times.  The Member should note, however, that time shall not be of the essence. 3.3 Talk Business UK may at any time without notifying the Member make any changes to the Detailed Service which are necessary to comply with any safety or other statutory requirements and/or which do not materially affect the nature or quality of the Detailed Service. 3.4 Any other changes or additions to the Detailed Service or to these Terms will be notified to the Member in writing by Talk Business UK at least 7 days in advance of those changes taking place. 


4.1 Membership of Talk Business UK is for the Contract Term. Renewal of the 12 months membership will be notified to the member 1 month before the end of the Contract Term and payment is due at the start of the new membership year (“the Renewed Term”).  

4.2 The Membership Payment is due in cleared funds within 30 days of the date on any invoice submitted by Talk Business UK. 

4.3 Where Talk Business UK has agreed that the Membership Payment can be paid in monthly instalments (which for the avoidance of doubt are at the sole discretion of Talk Business UK) payments will continue for the full 12 months of the Contract Term and shall not constitute a monthly subscription.  Membership is for a full 12 month period – being either the Contract Term or Renewed Term - and can only be terminated if Talk Business UK are in breach of this agreement or at the end of the 12 month contracted period.  

4.3.1 Where monthly payment has been agreed 12 x equal monthly payments by Direct Debit or Standing Order will be set up and Talk Business UK will raise an invoice to reflect the Membership Payments due for the Contract Term. 

4.3 All charges quoted to the Member for the provision of the Detailed Service are exclusive of VAT, for which the Member is liable at the prevailing rate, and these must be paid without deduction or set-off. 




5.1 Talk Business UK warrants to the Member that the Detailed Service will be provided using reasonable care and skill as far as reasonably possible. Where Talk Business UK uses the service of any agent or third party (such as speakers at events) Talk Business UK does not give any warranty, guarantee or indemnity in that respect. 5.2 Except in cases of death or personal injury caused by Talk Business UK ‘s negligence, Talk Business UK shall not be liable to the Member by reason of any representation (unless fraudulent or negligent) for any loss of profit or any indirect, special or consequential loss, damage costs, expenses or other claims (whether caused by the negligence of Talk Business UK or its agents or otherwise) which arise out of or in connection with the provision of the Detailed Service and the entire liability of Talk Business UK under or in connection with the Detailed Service shall not exceed the amount paid by a Member to Talk Business UK in the relevant Contract Term or Renewed Term, except as expressly provided in these Terms. This warranty is in lieu of all other terms, conditions and warranties, expressed or implied statutory or otherwise and any other liabilities whatsoever and howsoever arising. 5.3 Talk Business UK shall not be liable to the Member or be deemed to be in breach of these Terms by reason of any delay in performing, or any failure to perform, any of Talk Business UK’s obligations in relation to the Detailed Service, if the delay or failure is due to any cause beyond Talk Business UK’s reasonable control, and time shall not be of the essence. 



6.1 The Member may terminate the contract at the end of the Contract Term or a Renewed Term (as the case may be).  2 Months’ notice will be given to the Member notifying them of the end of the contracted 12 month period and if the Member wishes to terminate then they must give at least 30 days’ notice to Talk Business UK, such notice to end on or before the relevant 12 month period. 6.2 Either party may at any time terminate the contract by immediate written notice if the other commits any material breach of these terms or goes into liquidation, becomes bankrupt, makes a voluntary arrangement with its creditors or has a receiver or administrator appointed. 6.3 Upon termination of this contract for whatever reason all sums owed by the Member to Talk Business UK shall become due and payable by the Member with immediate effect. 


7.1 This clause applies in the following circumstances: 

7.1.1 The Member makes a voluntary arrangement with its creditors or (being an individual or firm) becomes bankrupt or (being a company) becomes subject to an administration order or goes into liquidation (otherwise than for the purposes of amalgamation or reconstruction); or 7.1.2 An encumbrance takes possession, or a receiver is appointed, of any of the property or assets of the Members; or 7.1.3 The Member ceases, or threatens to cease, to carry on business; or 7.1.4 Talk Business UK reasonably believes that any of the above events is about to happen and notifies the Member accordingly. 

7.2 If this clause applies then, without limiting any other right or remedy available to Talk Business UK, they may cancel the Contract or suspend Membership, including access to its website and attendance at events and, if Monthly Payments are still due, they will become immediately payable notwithstanding any previous agreement or terms. 


8.1 Talk Business UK provides services to its members through 6 offers: 

8.1.1 Individual Membership – The Individual membership option is for sole traders, practitioners and consultants.

8.1.2 Business Membership – Business membership option is for businesses and organisations. The number of representatives to the Talk Business UK events is unlimited.   

8.1.3 Corporate Membership – Corporate membership option is for businesses and organisations that wish to have a higher profile and attend exclusive events.  

8.1.4 Corporate Plus Membership - The Corporate Membership Plus option is for those businesses and organisations that wish to have a higher profile at events, on the Talk Business UK website and attend exclusive events. This membership includes pre-paid attendance for two representatives to attend the Talk Business UK over breakfast meeting.

8.1.5 Charity Membership - This membership is open to 'good cause' charities 

8.1.6 UNO networking - a specific individual membership for a person to have a membership in one or more of the Talk Business UK - UNO networking groups.

8.2 – There may be an additional meeting attendance fee payable to cover catering and administration costs. This will usually be the case for most face to face events providing catering in some form.

8.3 Discounts & offers are encouraged to be offered from member to member and Talk Business UK will monitor the take up and appropriateness of these offers & discounts and will endeavour to make sure all members are aware of the offers.  

8.4 Talk Business UK wishes for members to receive a return on their investment many times over through full involvement in the Detailed Services, however, the Member retains responsibility for making the very most of the many opportunities membership offers. 


9.1 Notices to Talk Business UK are to be sent to the registered address set out at the head of this agreement. Notices to the Member will be sent to the address shown on the application form, unless Talk Business UK is otherwise informed in writing. 9.2 No failure or delay by either party in exercising any of its rights under these terms shall be deemed to be a waiver of that right, and no waiver by either party of any breach of these terms by the other shall be considered as a waiver of any subsequent breach of the same or any other provision. 9.3 If any provision of these Terms is held by any court or other competent authority to be invalid or unenforceable in whole or in part, the validity of the other provisions of these Terms and the remainder of the provision in question shall not be affected. 9.4 English law shall apply to this agreement, and the parties agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the English courts. 9.6 Membership of the Talk Business Local groups is by named individual and any changes to those agreed named individuals must be discussed & agreed by with Talk Business UK for approval. Membership of Talk Business UK is corporate. All employees and representatives can enjoy the Benefits of membership, including access to the Talk Business UK website 9.7 Membership allows all a Member’s personnel to access certain areas of the Talk Business UK website. This access will continue whilst payments are up to date. Should payments lapse, access may be suspended. If a Member should decide to cancel their Membership, access will stop. 9.8 Talk Business UK understands that email marketing is a useful tool, however, members are politely asked to keep email marketing to other members to a minimum and to include an ‘opt-out’ facility on every email. Talk Business UK reserves the right to suspend the Member’s access to the website in the event of complaints, and complaints would constitute a breach of these terms. 9.9 As a Member of Talk Business UK, the Member agrees to conduct themselves in a professional and business-like manner, treating other members with respect at all times. If Talk Business UK should receive a complaint about any Member’s behaviour, it reserves the right to suspend membership. Such complaints would constitute a breach of these terms. 9.10 Membership of Talk Business UK is at the sole discretion of Talk Business UK and it reserves the right to refuse membership. 


10. LAW 

10.1 These terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales. 

10.2 Any dispute which may arise between the parties concerning these terms shall be determined by the English Courts and the parties hereby submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts for such purpose.

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